The Trial, planned parenthood

Video, sound
4 minutes, 20 seconds

Best in Show, ImageOhio 19
Juror: Jennifer Lange, Curator of Film/Video,
The Wexner Center for the Arts

Related projects:
True Believers
White Guy Blinking at Dumpster Fire


Appropriating found footage from both legal dramas and Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards's congressional testimony, The Trial, Planned Parenthood is part of an ongoing series complicating gendered media narratives about justice. The video contextualizes recent Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood within filmic discussions of the body. 

The Trial, Planned Parenthood was shown as part of the original Nasty Women exhibition at The Knockdown Center (Queens, NY), Jan. 12-15, 2017, which raised $42,000 for Planned Parenthood.

the trial,
rachel Jeantel

Video, sound
3 minutes, 12 seconds


Re-imagining George Zimmerman’s trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin through an overtly racial lens, my video highlights the ways in which predominantly white, male courtrooms silence black men and women by speaking over them, insisting on "colorblind" narratives, and pathologizing the black body and black subject. Alluding to the histories of other marginalized communities, the work illustrates the distance between everyday justice and the mediated or illusory sense of justice engendered through mass media.

the trial,

Video, sound
4 minutes, 4 seconds


Mixing found footage from legal dramas and Hillary’s Clinton’s Benghazi testimony, The Trial, Benghazi complicates notions of singular, stable truths. Try as the senators do to restrict the Benghazi story to two narratives – a planned act of terror or a spontaneous attack by armed militants – my video presents an increasingly complex verdict.


CIA Spellcheck


Artifacts from the Bowling Green Massacre